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Comprehensive Plan Lawsuit Information
12.29.2021 - Wed BOCC Meeting Summary:
It’s established that Commissioners may make changes to Comp Plan under Growth Management Act statutes if the changes are considered non-substantive or typographical/grammatic errors, thus avoiding a public hearing. Commissioner Branch leads the discussion & answers questions proposed by Hover.
Comp Plan discussion: Water section, WRIAs, a few Wildfire issues, Agri-tourism/Agri-business, re-appropriation of relinquished water rights, MCPA’s and criteria for Advisory Groups, Tunk and Methow Valley issues, criteria for Sub Area Advisory committees, reflections and reminiscences on Comp Plan. Comp Plan adopted with a change as to who deals with relinquished water.
Future actions: Likelihood of external counsel for zoning ordinance update; strategic planning; Critical Areas ordinance; Moratoria on building, subdivision, and marijuana due in Jan and Feb.
Executive session: repealing Resolutions #119- 2014 and #31-2015. 2014 Zone Code adoption issue, and questions re lawsuit. Public hearing on county redistricting. ​
12.10.2021 - Yakama Nation Press Release relating to Timeline for Comp Plan
11.04.2021 - Comp Plan Document
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