Okanogan County Commissioners' Meetings Notes
The Board of Okanogan County Commissioners (BOCC) meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, and occasionally Wednesdays in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room in the Virginia Granger Building in Okanogan.
County Watch volunteers attend the meetings (either remotely or in person) and post notes on this website.
The county’s official minutes of these meetings are usually posted a week or two after the meeting and can be read here.
Watch BOCC meeting in real time via AV Capture:
(click on Today for the livestream) or Zoom
Zoom meeting links can be found
on the BOCC Weekly Agenda.
Enter your search words here to find subjects within the notes
1.4.21 AM/PM - BOCC
CB is elected Chairman of the Board and AH is elected Vice-chair.
Commissioners discuss the questions they’ll ask the two applicants they’ll interview to replace the County Prosecutor who’s resigned.
Dennis Rabidou introduces David McClay, the new CEO of Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare.
1.5.21 AM - BOCC
Pete Palmer, Planning Director: CAO and Comp Plan updates. Maurice Goodall, Emergency Services Director: updates on Loomis water, All Hazards Mitigation Plan, and "Situation," Josh Tomson, County Engineer updates: Removal of tipping fees for fire victims, road conditions, quarantining Pub Wks staff; Solid Waste Manager, Kent: BioChar project, Approval of Consent Agenda.
ADDED:9:05 - Pete Palmer, Planning Director: Reimbursement on WRIA planning grants received: $88,000. Both Critical Areas Ordinance and Draft Comprehensive Plan have been sent to Dept. of Commerce for their 60-day review.
CAO: Figuring it out now through back documents; previous Director had already issued the (Threshold) determination.
Comp Plan: (In answer to CB and AH questions due to public inquiries): Addendum to Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Comp Plan is nearly ready. Anticipate putting it out for public comment in mid-January. Planning Commission meets again on Comp Plan last Monday in January (25th.) Alternatives: Four Alternatives are being considered. Right now, we're going through to make sure and identify if they will change or not. Some numbers are associated with (unintelligible.) Some details might change.The choice among Alternatives will be BOCC's decision. They consider the Alternative recommended by the Planning Commission and also public comments received during the Public Comment period.
Maurice Goodall. EMS Discussion re Loomis: mitigations, and grants. Water Association should qualify as a private non-profit doing work of a gov't agency by providing water to Town of Loomis and Fire Dept. Tim Cook/Dept of Health to be consulted.
All-Hazards Mitigation Plan: Meeting tomorrow (12/9/2020)
"Situation:" Unnamed situation is discussed: There is a little grumbling over Facebook - people think we need to tell them which roads/parts of roads are icy, etc. We can't do it all for them. If there is anything drastic, we'll do something. Public Works snow removal policy has been given to me by Josh. Will look it over and see if we can help people understand how things are plowed. CB asks if MG talked with Sheriff today. He did not. MG only heard about a "situation," but has nothing to provide. Will feed info back to BOCC if he learns anything.
1.5.21 PM - BOCC
(7:30) Broadband access - NCW Economic Development District (the county plus the Tribes and Methow Broadband Action teams) is applying for a grant; (29:30) Chelan-Douglas County Pest Board Director Will Carpenter offers his help to include Okanogan in a 3-county effort to contain the Hawthorn/apple maggot outbreak; (1:32:00) CB pushes to raise the salary of new senior planner
1.11.21 AM - BOCC
Short discussion of Capital Improvement plan, casual discussion about finding out more about public health funding.
Discussion about the protocol for executive session and interview questions. Click here for link to YouTube recording.
Interviews with candidates for appointment to county prosecutor position, Dave Stevens and Melanie Bailey. Click on links to hear recorded interviews.
1.11.21 PM - BOCC
PP gives the timeline for finishing the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion of a grant opportunity for the Methow Valley Watershed Council, but the deadline is fast approaching. Commissioners discuss pros and cons of adding recreational trail information to the county’s road atlas.
Commissioners hear a presentation by a consultant, James Lightfoot, about feasibility of broadband service in the County.
Commissioners hear which bid was selected as the consultant for the radio network improvements. They authorize Mike Worden to begin negotiations with ADCOMM Engineering.
Related Documents:
1.12.21 PM - BOCC
Pest Board: Replacements found for the retiring board members. While commissioners are in agreement concerning alignment with Chelan and Douglas counties with their horticultural tax, CB and JD would like it to be generalized, considering the fruit industry’s importance to the county and that the Hawthorn/apple maggot threat comes from non-commercial orchards. AH anticipates resistance from those with large parcels far from orchard zones and would prefer to raise the current tax on root stock acreage; Other: WSU Extension salary approved; ID card maintenance contract approved; Consent Agenda passed; Short discussion on a future negotiation with the Methow Valley Watershed Foundation and the Methow Valley Watershed council to clarify roles.
Related Documents:
1.12.21 AM - BOCC
EMS: Discussion on collapse of Omak Dist 1 TV tower and related issues; Telephone service issues in same area; Two executive sessions; Solid waste management: Douglas County recycling fee, illegal dumping on Salmon Ck, asbestos, plastics; Legislative update on carbon tax, litter cleanup $$, methane cap and trade; Roads and maintenance: Cold springs fire, Cameron Lakes road funding, refunds, etc; Tonasket sewer and shop.
1.12.21 PM - BOH
Cmr DeTro elected to another term as BOH chair, along with Maryanne Williams as Vice -Chair. Upcoming BOH retreat and inclusion of public discussed. Public comment involving septic on a possible short plat involving a home with septic installed before permitting procedures existed. New state and federal approaches to vaccinations & new county groupings review. Hospitalization statistics have changed, with 92% of ICU beds filled; success stories shared. Covid-19 had large effects upon Enviro Health permits.
1.19.21 PM - BOCC
Building Dept. - 14 building applications to be reviewed by Planning Commission following an Attorney General opinion challenging permits approved in Methow basin subdivisions. DH foresees a decrease in new home building; Pest Board - Pesticide license recertification class announced for February, 10 acres of Mediterranean Sage treated behind Whitestone Mt.; Computer outage - The entire County computer system was hacked last weekend. MG says telephone lines are affected and two of four (emergency?) lines are being used by District and Superior Courts; Television District - Repairing the tower which collapsed on an OkTV structure on the reservation will be an occasion to upgrade the system with broadband and improved electronics, benefiting valley residents as well as the tribes. Several funding opportunities discussed.
1.25.21 AM - BOCC
00:01- BOCC discuss Infrastructure fund and possible uses. Treasurer Leah McCormick joins the conversation. TV District is looking for funds to get system up and running.
12:32 - County lobbyist Zak Kennedy updates BOCC on bills in the State Legislature. Focus is on firearms and public health legislation.
30:15 - Clerk updates BOCC on issues regarding pest control, and apple maggot quarantine.
33:30 - Approve consent agenda
35:40 - casual discussion about COVID vaccine distribution, more talk about comments to legislature 43:20 - Cmr. Branch talks about resources for information on Planning
46:55 - Cmr Hover brings up the need to discuss Sub-Areas within the Comp. Plan.
Related Documents:
1.25.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners realize there’s no broadband presentation today and so there’s nothing on the agenda. They have a discussion about a piece of property Conservation Northwest may buy to resell to the CCT. Since the property is not on the reservation, there may be property tax implications. AH and LJ also discuss thumb drives.
1.26.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners agree to challenge the Attorney General - Dept. of Ecology opinion concerning the Methow Valley Instream Rule. (See Reichman letter attached to BOCC notes of 1-25-2021, Mon AM).- Option A of Ordinance 2021-1 is approved, repealing Ordinance 2020-6 and extending certain prohibitions on the subdivision of land in WRIA 48 (the Methow Valley Basin.) (2:14:15) Legal implications are discussed and a public hearing is scheduled for Feb. 22 at 2 PM. (See attached Ordinance 2021-1, along with Options A and B.) (3:06:00) The County has moved to a slightly modified version of phase one of the state’s Covid-19 re-opening policy.
2.1.21 AM - BOCC
AH and CB discuss More Completely Planned Areas (MCPA) and sub-areas. CB leaves the room for a few minutes and AH and JD begin to discuss changes in the agenda. Because of a cancelation, they can move the afternoon Planning Department update to the morning and be able to adjourn for the day at noon. When CB returns, the commissioners continue to discuss agenda changes, and CB, not realizing the changes would mean adjourning at noon, agrees to the changes
The Sheriff’s Department updates the commissioners on their proposed schedule to buy several new vehicles.
The commissioners discuss editing the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) that AH has updated.
PP gives the Planning Department update, including the Aspect contract, a schedule for moving forward with the Comprehensive Plan, and dealing with records retention issues.
CB, answering a question asked on Zoom Chat, says the commissioners will again meet at l:30. AH and JD tell him it’s been decided to adjourn for the day at noon. CB disagrees with this choice but doesn't oppose it. He says next time this happens they could spend three hours discussing planning and zoning issues that they never get around to and he’d like to converse with people who were involved in the writing of the Methow Plan.
2.2.21 AM - BOCC
Future of Superior Court at the Fairgrounds/Agriplex, possible new public building to be used for holding court/in process, possible use of other fairgrounds buildings with minimal modifications, other projects/expenses at fairgrounds. Recovery from cyber attack is reported. Pretty much back to normalwith a few exceptions, but not critical to operations. Some upgrades/software and server changes needed. Generators for back up are on order. No bids received for removal of refrigerants. Public Works and Solid Waste updates.
2.2.21 PM - BOCC
3:05 - Letter of support requested for a bio-char enterprise, C6 Forest to Farm soon to begin activity in the valley cleaning forests and creating energy as a bi-product; 19:08 - Roland Smith approved as a member of the Pest Board; 22:4 - County Watch’s list of boards and commissions is commented upon more or less favorably; 30:00 - Budget supplemental, to be reimbursed, approved for Oroville Housing Authority’s homeless shelter sewer project; 38:07 - Felony Deputy Felicia Chandler was re-appointed and she will also serve as Chief Criminal Juvenile Agent; 1:02:29 and 1:40:00- Watershed Planning/WRIA 49 - discussion preceding the upcoming Public Hearing covered the composition of the Watershed council, whether it would be the same going forward as before and that it should be similar to the Methow’s; what adaptive planning should look like, differing opinions on water use in the main stems which would be made available by efforts to increase stream flow in the tributaries; 1:37:00 - Water Purchase - Crown Columbia has applied to buy water from senior rights holders in the Columbia basin. BOCC will write a letter to the Dept. of Ecology to oppose the purchase.
Related Documents:
2.8.21 AM - BOCC
Audio recording on You Tube click here. Time stamp available by downloading file or see comment section on You Tube recording.
Summary: Changes to Mon/Tues agenda; subdivision ordinance & update to county code; land use planning history in county/Oroville, well-tracking software; AH meeting with MVCC re water issues; poor AV capture audio; State legislative update; County/state/legislative interaction on water rights transfers; more frequent County press releases needed; Change to Aspect contract; shared planner with Oroville; needed update/corrections to County Code, specifically SMP; Zoning map errors in Winthrop area.
2.9.21 PM - BOCC
(Audio recording Part 1) Lauri Jones asking to decrease requirement of two health checks a day for isolated ag workers; new House bill 1152 for the creation of comprehensive health districts opposed by Jones; vaccination process deemed efficient.
BOCC meeting: (Audio recording Part 2) Hazard mitigation - contract in the works with Adcom for radio engineering and consultation services, asking for initial grant of $260,000, hoping for more; Letter to Ecology - working on draft of response to A.G. opinion which “creates even more questions”, requesting $500,000 towards planning process; Million dollar CDBG CV1 grant agreement for Commerce and Community Action to go forward; Meadowlark Senior Center project in Omak - gap-funding approved; Shoreline management - building permit refused; Revised moratorium on subdivisions - planning director to present two versions of interim controls at Feb. 10th meeting, one speaking only to building permits and one tying these into subdivisions, CB says “needs a little thought before making a point”; In-person participation at BOCC meetings prohibited, says LJ, though CB expects 25 or more in person on Wednesday to discuss WRIA 48/interim controls.
2.9.21 AM - BOCC
BOCC authorizes Okanogan County Community Coalition to use Commissioners' hearing room for their DUI panel, as long as the capacity is within the parameters for Covid guidelines; Updates on Covid Vaccinations at the fairgrounds & other fairground updates; Pest Board duties and increase in tax on affected lands, whether a benefit to landowner or not, due to new law; Auditors Office could be open for other counties' elections whether we have an election slated or not. We do have an April election; Watershed/water rights discussion; Public Works update; Discussion of other uses for Bio-Char.
2.10.21 PM - BOCC
Discussion regarding letter of Deputy Attorney General (Ecology) on Methow Instream Flow rule. BOCC directs Prosecutor's office to seek judicial review and decision on the issues surrounding legality of building permits issued by the county since March 28, 2002 for construction of homes on lots dependent upon permit-exempt wells subject to the Instream rule. Cost of litigation is weighed and discussed. The "Kumbaya" approach is also discussed, with all stakeholders within WRIA 48 coming together to seek agreement upon mitigations or handling of the issues, concurrent with seeking a judicial decision. Ordinance 2021-3 is approved unanimously, imposing a 6-month moratorium on certain building permits in WRIA 48 until a judicial decision is obtained, the legislature acts, or circumstances /agreements change in other ways. Public hearing on Ord #2021-3 set for April 5, 2021, 1:30 PM; Similkameen Trail, use of LTAC $$, other applicants discussed.
Related Documents:
2.16.21 PM - BOCC
Cyber security to be beefed up following hack of county system and plans to train all staff to detect suspicious content; Funding granted for WSU Extension to conduct a survey measuring satisfaction of County residents as well as education opportunities, other studies to follow; Community Action redirects unused Food Bank and Health money to Subsistence Payments and the salaries of case workers to administer them; Funding for EMS districts approved; Water Conservancy Board accepts Clay Gebber’s resignation and drafts letter appointing Mike Fort to replace John Hubbard.
2.16.21 AM - BOCC
Discussions of upcoming hearing on
Comprehensive Plan (March 8th), process, logistics, following Covid safety guidelines, approval of
contract vaccinations at the Fairgrounds, discussion of Lake Osoyoos Water/Sewer District, short
update from Auditor, Bid approval for CFP #9155, Old Hwy 97 Driskell to Verestar, Update from Public Works with overview of bills in the legislature regarding long term transportation statewide issues and subsequent taxation.
2.22.21 AM - BOCC
Link to Video Recording here.
00:00 Commissioners discuss the best way to make changes to the agenda and how to deal with the Methow water situation.
22:00 Zak Kennedy updates the commissioners on progress of legislation in Olympia.
45:18 Commissioners discuss sending a letter of support for county businesses dealing with Covid.
55:50 Commissioners discuss Okanogan County joining a Pest Control District with Chelan and Douglas Counties.
2:15:20 Commissioners discuss water banking as a possible mitigation to the Methow water situation
Related Documents:
2.22.21 PM - BOCC
Veranda Beach permitting issues, including Ordinary High Water Mark (OHM) and complications; Hammond (developer) presentation including timeline ; Discussion of permit application process, documentation, and communication among departments; obscure county business involving an architect is discussed; Treasurer report, property tax refunds, auction of properties; Management of county resolutions; Hover mentions Methow Conservancy promotion of County acquiring property North of Winthrop for wildlife habitat; Positive political benefits discussed.
2.23.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion with County Planner re: upcoming hearing on the comprehensive Plan (March 8th), updates from the fairgrounds; modifications/repairs of buildings for other uses, more discussion on aftermath of cyberattack and further future planning regarding systems, Public Works/Solid Waste update.
2.23.21 PM - BOCC
Clean bill of health from Treasurer, current expense funds up overall from last year; funding arrangement needed for senior planner position since Oroville not sharing cost of post; scanning of archives to cost upwards of $33,000; architects chosen for Forest Service building upgrade; computer system not chosen yet for costly changeover; seven new vehicles in 2021 including five for Sheriff’s office; three tax title properties to be sold March 8th; grant contracts approved for broadband and senior housing; flooded culvert on Good’s property, water has receded, sandbags put in place.
3.1.21 AM - BOCC
Ongoing discussion of Comp Plan/Zoning with clarifications, Yakama Nation lawsuit impressions, Change of agenda for afternoon, and schedule changes for next week, letter State Dept of L&I- composed and signed by BOCC in support of small businesses in the County regarding Covid regulations/penalty, also sending this for news release, Broadband study results for Methow Valley.
3.2.21 AM - BOCC
21:20 Maurice Goodall updates the commissioners on the potential for floods this spring. He also notes that the county hopes to provide Covid vaccine at the Fairgrounds each Friday.
49:40 Larry Hudson, of the Noxious Weed Board, would like to create a new position.
55:20 Josh Thomson, County Engineer, updates the Commissioners on several topics including the plans to monitor the decibel level at the new gravel pit, both before and during crushing.
3.2.21 PM - BOCC
Public comment submitted urging better publicity for public hearings and an extended comment period if necessary for the Comp Plan hearing March 8th; CB and AH consider ways to increase visibility of public hearing dates in advance of upcoming hearings on subdivisions and building permits; Tonasket Ranger District, now part of Colville Ntl. Forest, to raise campground fees, management going smoothly; feasibility study ordered for possible use of old Forest Service building by Juvenile Detention/Juvenile Court; new tri-county Pest Board will share indemnity, insurance and equipment costs, must determine common tax policy before August to go into effect in 2022; Capstone Project survey (WSU extension) goes out this summer as part of needs assessment for county; funds directed to Oroville Homeless Housing;auction April 10th of county surplus.
3.8.21 PM - BOCC
00:00 PP gives the Planning Department update. She addresses concerns from Isabelle Spohn. She and the Commissioners discuss how better to use the county’s website to inform the public about upcoming hearings.
20:20 Her presentation is interrupted for the discussion with Mike Worden and Josh Thomson of Senator Murray’s request for a list of priorities for infrastructure funding . “Shovel ready” projects are preferred. The commissioners discuss the communication center, broadband internet in the county and rebuilding the bridges on Hwy 153 as high priorities.
53:10 Commissioners and JT discuss the appeal of someone whose bid was rejected because of a minor error. Since that bid was the lowest, the Commissioners would like to accept it.
1:03:45 PP resumes her update. Commissioners discuss and adopt a motion to approve Ordinance 2021-4 adopting interim amendments to several portions of the Okanogan County Code.
1:17:10 Commissioners discuss the resolution to join a Pest Control District with Chelan and Douglas Counties. After much discussion, it’s decided that AH and LJ will work on the wording more and the resolution will be introduced again at a later meeting.
3.8.21 AM - BOCC
Click on time stamp to go directly to that point in the YouTube video
00:00 – Commissioners recite the Pledge of Allegiance
00:21 – Commissioner discuss changes to agenda with clerk of the board.
03:31 – Discussion of Fairgrounds maintenance and how it is managed
07:25 – AH reports on discussion with Chuck Brushwood, Gregg Knott and Mike Fort on water quality in the Methow Valley. How to monitor, methods used, etc.
15:00 – More discussion about the agenda
16:06 – Discussion about Okanogan TV District #1 and item removed from consent agenda by Public Works
22:10 – Casual discussion about proposed State legislation, more changes to agenda.
25:18 – Lobbyist Zak Kennedy gives update on State legislation, and discusses recent State Supreme Court decision regarding drug possession.
49:22 – More discussion about agenda, and review of e-mail received from Okanogan TV District #1. Casual conversation while waiting for TV District update. 1:18:30 – George Thornton gives update on Okanogan TV District #1. Thanks BOCC for providing funds. Antenna that was damaged in Cold Springs fire has been replaced with a temporary one that allows for 4 channels. Plans for permanent one with full channel capacity are underway with hopeful installation date for this summer. Discussion about future projects TV District would like to do, and input from Treasurer Leah McCormick about how it will be financed.
1:59:48 – Brief conversation about Comprehensive Plan public hearing tonight, and how it affects planning in our county.
3.9.21 PM - BOH
Board of Health: Good progress on containing Covid despite recent “hump”; A quarter of the county already vaccinated, at least in part; Johnson & Johnson vaccine has arrived, will be used on program for ag workers, vaccines also available to business people starting the 22nd; some jail inmates and staff vaccinated; in letter to Labor & Industry commissioners complained about fines to small businesses for non-compliance; fine given for illegal septic tank; workshop planned for DOH; advantages and disadvantages seen if regionalization of county health succeeds in legislature.
3.9.21 PM - BOCC
letter drafted to request grant money for emergency communications equipment, internet infrastructure, needs assessment for jail/juvenile court and possibly bridges; CB describes work of Collaborative for Forest Health and its diverse representation; One post created, one reclassified and one defunded on the Noxious Weed Board; AH and CB discuss the fallout of the Ecology decision based on Campbell & Gwinn/water permit and subdivision moratoriums and subsequent appeal, implications for Okanogan watershed and how to move forward.
3.9.21 AM - BOCC
Comprehensive Plan, HR/Risk Manager update, Replacement of Veterans Service Officer, CBA approvals with Union & Solid Waste, Discussion with Auditor re: changes in reporting requirements & possible voter pamphlet for Primary, 8.2 Million $$ in relief funds direct to County from Federal Covid recovery funds.
3.15.21 AM -BOCC
Commissioners and the Sheriff discuss establishing a dog control zone near Oroville. BOCC sets April 20 at 3:00 PM for the public hearing to consider establishing the zone.
Commissioners, RH-D and NW discuss a grant to fund a feasibility study for a new fire hall to serve the Loomis Fire District. The Fire District needs the permission of the BOCC to apply for the grant because the County would administer the grant. RH-D also updates the commissioners on upcoming funding that will be available from the Department of Commerce.
3.15.21 PM - BOCC
PP updates the commissioners on several topics, including software that would allow people to track the progress of a submitted building permit. Discussion includes whether the work should be done in-house or purchased from Dude Solutions. PP also discusses comments she’s received about the Comprehensive Plan and how much of the concern expressed in the comments could be addressed by subarea plans.
Commissioners hold a public hearing regarding WRIA 48 Interim Control Ordinance 2021-1. They hear testimony from four people and then discuss the issue among themselves. They pass a motion to keep the moratorium in place.
3.16.21 PM - BOCC
Fairgrounds updates; quotes for repairs/painting/roof repair Arts & Crafts Bldg, possibly extending
Superior Court contract for Agriplex, recent break-in at fair office. financial committee meeting with
Treasurer and Auditor. Public hearing on utility franchise, Public Works Updates
3.16.21 AM - BOCC
Risk Manager reports progress on county website, upcoming board meeting and arrival of new District Court Deputy Prosecuting Attorneyfrom the west side;
County employees and their families prohibited from bidding at auction of county surplus; new roof
needed very soon for Fairground’s arts and crafts building, bids already received for removal of old
roof(s); Central Services gives annual costs of proposed security measures following January computer system hack: 24/7 virus detection ($18,600) and back-up hardware ($12,000), requiring budget supplementals.
3.22.21 PM - BOCC
2:00:00 PP update for the BOCC includes a discussion about how best to determine the number of wells drawing water from a reserve. The number is needed for a DOE report. PP also presents a comparison of two software systems the Planning Department is considering buying: SmartGov Dude Solutions vs. iWorQ Systems.
3:18:00 Sheriff Hawley updates the BOCC on the recent Blake decision by the Washington State Supreme Court. The state law against simple possession of drugs has been ruled unconstitutional because it didn’t include the word “knowingly”. Sheriff Hawley and David Gecas discuss their public safety concerns as well as the legal and financial concerns. BOCC decides to gather data on the legal and financial liabilities and reconsider this issue in the near future.
3.22.21 AM - BOCC
1:15 - Approval of new truck purchase for Assessor’s office.
21:25 - Implications of Crown Columbia proposal to obtain area-wide permit for water rights
35:15 - Lobbyist update
48:10 - Discussion about “cancel culture”
58:30 - Award for retiree Dan McCarthy (Pest control officer)
1:02:10 - Discussion about Water usage and accounting, climate change, using science as basis for decision-making.
1:28:55 – Discussion about how much water has been put in trust in WRIA 48
3.23.21 AM - BOCC
Planning Director update on last night's (3/22) hearing on Comprehensive Plan alternatives – process to update sub-area plans & to include upper Methow Watershed. Possibility of purchasing truck for fairgrounds, other fairground projects upgrade, theft of generator from courthouse, HR update; hiring and open positions, Public hearings on Supplemental Appropriation for Communications upgrades and Cattle guard franchise, Solid Waste and Public Works updates.
3.23.21 PM - BOCC
(Department Head reports) Employees being trained to detect “phishing” emails to prevent hack like the one in January; folks should be on the lookout for the stolen yellow 65,000 watt generator; 4H and Master gardeners now meet in person; New county website, complete with video, nearing completion; success of fairground court operations the cause of envy, Noxious Weed dept. sending forms out to landowners, “outstanding number” of county residents vaccinated for Covid, Sheriff’s Dept. generalizing body cameras; Ongoing discussion between CB and AH about planning and water.
3.29.21 AM/PM - BOCC
4:30 AH & JD discuss several issues. Something has been suspended by Columbia Crown, the water banking corporation. AH would like to begin attending meetings of the Eastern Washington Council of Governments along with JD.
1:27:05 Pam Perez updates the Commissions on the Veterans Relief Board. She is leaving and Tom will take her place.
1:56:40 Josh Thomson gives the Public Works Update.
2:55:30 Pete Palmer gives the Planning Department update. AH and CB have a long discussion about reestablishing a subarea committee for the Methow. PP also says she may have to review the AV Capture of the March 22 Planning Commission meeting to be sure what was actually decided.
3:46:37 Commissioners and Dave Gecas plan to go into executive session to discuss pending litigation. DG says it concerns procedural issues in the Ecology case and the Comp Plan case, working on a settlement with the Yakama nation.
(Times indicated are on the second AV Capture video of the day.)
04:45 Update, OBHC (Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare) quarterly meeting. Discussion of recent staff changes, a grant that funds four positions, and the 988 telephone hotline for mental health emergencies.
40:35—Discussion CDBG CV2 grant application by the Okanogan County Community Action Council.
Lael Duncan discusses a recent addendum to Community Action’s budget report. Also a discussion of the plusses and minuses of the CDBG CV 2grant opportunities.
3.30.21 PM - BOCC
Public Comment regarding Planning Commission public hearing recommends more sub area input for comp plan, regrets lack of consideration for due process at hearing; decision on legal printing bid stalled on a technicality; County joins Economic Alliance to help procure grant for Loomis Firehouse feasibility study; Close-out on CDBG grant administered by Community Action giving food aid to a quarter of the county’s population, and providing housing assistance; shuffling of budget funds to accommodate: unused election aid, donations to Veteran’s Office, Planning, Noxious Weeds positions and Pest Board reorganization.
3.30.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of burn bans being consistent between counties, cities, and DNR, Discussion and re-appointment of current Planning Commission Board members, County Fair Event Coordinator updates with upcoming events and dealing with alcohol usage, Maintenance did purchase new multiple use truck, Purchase of new computer program/software to integrate health dept, planning, and other departments – discussion of pros and cons of the proposed DUDE Solutions system, which is in use by Chelan, Kittitas, and Douglas Counties, needing other quotes for upgrade to the UPS (back-up power supply), short HR update
4.5.21 AM/PM - BOCC
1:01:45 Commissioners accept the legal newspaper bid from the Methow Valley News and the Okanogan Valley Gazette Tribune.
2:01:30 Commissioners discuss changing the name of Beach Villa Place back to its original name of Stennes Point Drive. In the end, they decide to make the name change.
2:49:45 Commissioners hold a public hearing concerning Ordinance 2021-3, A moratorium on certain Building Permit applications. After public testimony and much discussion, they decide to keep the six month moratorium.
4.6.21 AM - BOCC
Planner bringing maps for boundaries of advisory groups for Comp plan, Special Planning meeting tomorrow night @7:00 – details on Planning Website. Update with Emergency Services, Fairgrounds project updates, County has lots of vehicles for surplus auction this coming Saturday the 10th of April. Acceptance of contract with architecture consulting firm, Discussion of the monies ($8.2 million) from the American Recovery Act , which are coming directly to the County – Unsure of the strings attached, suggested to create a fund until more information is received. Discussion of having Chief Deputies in Assessors, Treasurers, Auditors, and Clerk's Office for when elected official is unavailable – pay range discussed. More discussions to follow when all Commissioners are present.
4.6.21 PM - BOCC
Approval of vouchers for emergency medical services; LJ’s salary should reflect fact she is in fact, a chief civil deputy, discussion planned; Unsold vehicles from recent auction missing their titles, auctioneer must apply for them and dept. head “dispose of them in the most economical way”.
4.12.21 PM - BOCC
3:11:26 – Report on building application status in Planning Dept.
3:13:10 – Update on software being considered to coordinate the processing of building applications between departments
3:17:50 – Smart water meters, Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP)
3:21:01 – Well tracking software – how to use, number of parcels to consider.
3:33:20 – Discussion about concept of implementing a tax to pay farmers to keep land in Ag production
4.13.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of need to publish, ahead of time, in the case of a special meeting, Emergency Services update, Planning update of Comp Plan timeline, Fairgrounds updates, transfer of Sheriff's Office truck to the Fairgrounds, Solid waste/Public Works updates No afternoon meeting – only Public Health Board meeting @1:30.
4.13.21 PM - BOH
Increase in new landowners, people moving away from the I-5 corridor; Conconully threatened with fines because the well which serves Red Rock Saloon is within 100 ft. of sewer line; As a prelude to a coming BOH Workshop, Guests EJ and LD give input on administrating public health, agree on importance of knowing the population, being able to find qualified staff; LD and AH offer funding and resource sharing ideas; LJ and MW give examples of collaboration between county entities during the vaccination process; More discussion on recruiting: interns
4.19.21 AM/PM - BOCC
**(First AV Capture tape, beginning at 9:00 AM)
20:00 Aaron Culp asks for approval to buy a replacement used truck to be used to collect food donations.
60:00 Commissioners discuss purchasing a .37 acre property in Mazama that the DOT will sell to them.
**(Second AV Capture tape, beginning at 10:27 AM)
28:00 Commissioners hear a presentation about TREAD Maps, a trail use app used by recreationalists land managers both. The commissioners support the program which is supposed to go live in Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Kittitas counties by Memorial Day.
1:33:30—Discussion of WRIA49 Planning and Conservation District—it’s scope, duties and composition. After a long discussion, it’s agreed that the planning unit will be constituted much like the Watershed Council in WRIA48, with three representatives from instituting governments and six citizens representing geographic areas or at-large.
4.20.21 PM - BOCC
AH amends minutes of April12th BOCC meeting; confusion over tax imposed on out-of-town customers by Spectrum; Weed Control report highlights continued search to fill vacant positions and funding received to fight weeds in burn areas, Okanogan river banks and Lake Osoyoos; Auction of surplus a success; Public Hearing on proposed Dog Control Zone around Lake Osoyoos with testimony from woman who suffered injuries from an attack by unattached dogs and had no legal recourse for lack of an ordinance, decision by commissioners to adopt proposed ordinance for Oroville, and raise penalties on infractions in all Dog Control Zones (the only existing Dog Control Zone being the one in the Methow).
4.20.21 AM - BOCC
Request for new laptops for the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, awarding bid for electrical work, Update from Planning on Critical areas ordinance process, Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning, discussion of clearing and grading new roads, update from Building Dept – new hire, County Fairgrounds/Arena update, expediting purchase of water truck, how to deal with surplus items not picked up and/or not sold, Finance Committee meeting/request for deputy clerks in Assessor, Clerk, Auditor, and Treasurer office with more responsibilities for when elected official not available, Public Works Update
4.26.21 PM - BOCC
2:58:00 The Planning Department update is brief. AH asks for an overview of the Copperstone (Burma Shores) project next week because he’s received questions about it from constituents. (The Methow Valley News has an article about the development in its March 31, 2021 issue. https://methowvalleynews.com/2021/03/31/development-near-methow-plans-52-homes/ )
3:05:30 Commissioners discuss the recently enacted state budget.
3:18:00 Commissioners discuss a change in personnel in the court system and also the plan to remodel, renovate the Court House.
3:55:00 Commissioners discuss a possible meeting with cannabis growers about large farms leasing farm lands to smaller farms.
4:00:30 JD expresses theory relating to: "Bill Gates' plan for next pandemic."
4:03:15 Commissioners discuss AH’s upcoming meeting with the Colville tribe concerning the race track at the Fair Grounds.
4:13:25 CB updates AH and JD about the projects on Rep. Newhouse’s list of infrastructure projects. He voted to suppor2:58:00 The Planning Department update is brief. AH asks for an overview of the Burma Shores project next week because he’s received questions about it from constituents. (The Methow Valley News has an article about the development in its March 31, 2021 issue. https://methowvalleynews.com/2021/03/31/development-near-methow-plans-52-homes/ )
3:05:30 Commissioners discuss the recently enacted state budget.
3:18:00 Commissioners discuss a change in personnel in the court system and also the plan to remodel, renovate the Court House.
3:55:00 Commissioners discuss a possible meeting with cannabis growers about large farms leasing farm lands to smaller farms.
4:00:30 JD expresses theory relating to: "Bill Gates' plan for next pandemic."
4:03:15 Commissioners discuss AH’s upcoming meeting with the Colville tribe concerning the race track at the Fair Grounds.
4:13:25 CB updates AH and JD about the projects on Rep. Newhouse’s list of infrastructure projects. He voted to support the Health Center and the other two agreed that it was the right choice.
Related Documents:
4.26.21 AM - BOCC
1:54 Presentation from Dude Solutions regarding software to streamline building permit application process
48:25 – Discussion about water banking and possible funding
50:13 - Zak Kennedy (lobbyist) updates on State Leg.
2:17:45 - Auditor Cari Hall discusses American Rescue Plan funds ($8.19M)
2:43:51 – BOCC discusses water quality issues and fund to use for that purpose.
4.27.21 PM - BOCC
In Public Comment: Planning Commission criticized for circumstances preventing public participation at recent meetings but progress in forming advisory groups and opening up the planning process to the public is appreciated; commissioners asked to support a citizen’s quest to receive reparations from the federal government compensating what he called a theft of iridium gold mined after WWII in Okanogan and six other counties– says if the county asks for reparations his mining claims would entitle him to recover gold which he would then process into superconductors, commissioners skeptical; budget supplements for Central Services and District Court; waiving of disposal fees for fire victims extended, public hearing for Capital Facilities plan set for May 10th at 3pm; concern over fairgrounds water system and possible need for broader testing.
4.27.21 AM - BOCC
Emergency Services update, fairgrounds update/leaky roof, discussion of water bank: options/problems/need for code and planning, update from Assessor's Office; changing retail values vs assessed valuations & annual assessments for better alignment, also state requirement changes, discussion of taxing overnight rentals in the county as Property Tax, Solid Waste update, extending waiver of tipping fees for another month, and public works update/magnesium/chloride treatment to some dirt roads to begin to today.
5.3.21 AM/PM - BOCC
46:30--AH and CB continues discussion of establishing the WRIA 49 Planning Unit that was previously discussed on April 19.
1:23:10--AH, CB and MG consider ways to improve the county’s ability to notify people of emergency or other events. The commissioners received calls about spraying the Okanogan River bank recently and were concerned that people hadn’t been notified of the spraying.
2:03:30—Planning update.
Commissioners and PP discuss establishing subarea plans for the Methow Valley.
2:57:45--AH, CB and CN discuss Mazama water quality monitoring and the agriculture water bank. The state legislature appropriated money for the water bank in its recently passed budget, but the budget is not yet signed by Gov. Inslee and there are many questions about how the process would work.
5.4.21 AM - BOCC
Received quotes for ½ ton 4WD truck with double cab – next week will discuss & decide, discussion of getting fairgrounds track certified for racehorse training, other fairground updates, replacement of air conditioner for Central Services, discussion with Planning Director – change in administrative code, comment period extended for Critical Areas Ordinance to 5 PM, 5/21/2021, Hearing to review comments at 7 PM 5/24/2021, and process discussion for upcoming Shorelines plan and Comprehensive Plan, with notification on website. Meeting adjourned @10:00 for no quorum. Will resume in the PM, 1:30 to 2:30.
5.4.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners agree with Conservation District’s Craig Nelson to draft a letter to the governor asking him not to veto any parts of a pending bill on grants for a water bank which would include $2M for the Methow River, AH wants to map out guidelines; discussion of timing for public hearing in the context of budget drafting, CB and AH agree that comment should not begin before a draft is finished, and not be ongoing; CB has amended letter intended for Ecology; Human Resources’ TC says additional federal unemployment benefits keeping some qualified candidates from applying for multiple available positions, CB and AH try some brainstorming; Criminal Justice Treatment Act grant funds to be appropriated to court system and to Behavioral Health for treatment and rehabilitation of sex offenders; planned construction of Landfill shops must include solution for sprinkler pumps; Renovated County Website soon to go on line.
5.10.21 PM - BOCC
1:05:40 Public Hearing concerning Resolution 2021-4 is cancelled. Commissioners have a long discussion about how to go forward.
2:14:55 Employee in the Building Department goes from 75% to full time.
2:35:30 Commissioners adopt a six-year Capital Funding Plan with additions.
5.10.21 AM - BOCC
2:25 – Casual discussion about Covid19, crowds, etc.
4:24 – DH requests approval to purchase new truck
8:30 – Discussion about efforts to improve service to public regarding permitting (increase hours for employee, purchase new software).
14:25 – General discussion about increasing population in county, how to manage growth.
34:35 – Discussion about something regarding the Fairgrounds.
39:40 – Discussion about funds available to replace transmitter for TV District #1
52:00 – Discussion about lawsuit in Yakima County regarding transparency of board meetings.
5.11.21 AM - BOCC
Rental prices with and without chairs and tables – having consistent pricing and other fairground updates. Planning Dept: discussion of advisory groups, especially in Methow Valley, update with County Auditor: water district & flood control districts inactive, discussion of communications upgrade for Sheriff's Dept and Public Works, utilization of taxed monies for emergency communications. Approval of Vouchers and payroll.
5.17.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of Methow Watershed Council funding request with Mike Fort and Alyssa Jumars of the Council. AH and CB favor the funding, but want to create a legal relationship between the Council, the BOCC and the two other Initiating Governments (IGs), Winthrop and Twisp. The Winthrop and Twisp mayors are invited to attend a BOCC meeting in June to discuss a joint resolution between the Council and the three IGs.
5.18.21 AM - BOCC
Burn ban protocol/collaborating with all agencies for clearer communication, continuing to determine advisory groups/units in the Methow, Maintenance at Fairgrounds/North Gate/ RV park, considering purchase and renovating of Forest Service building for use by the Superior Court/ how to fund with bonds (voted vs non-voted) , Treasurers Report, Public Works Update.
5.18.21 PM - BOCC
Briefing on mask-wearing and ongoing personnel gaps; Public Hearing to support Community Action’s CBDG grant application, director lays out how those grant funds are currently used for many food and housing needs; New county website “goes live,” report on its success and proposed adjustments; burn ban discussion, land is dry for the season but wildfire prevention is facilitated through slash- burning and bio-char projects under newly passed HR 1168, as through the “Wildfire Ready” program which has already assessed 201 homes; Water overflowing from an injection well at the jail and opinions differ as to who (or what) is to blame.
5.24.21 PM - BOCC
2:30:40—Introductions and Forest Service employee Sendi Kalcic makes a Power Point presentation entitled, "Motorized Travel Management Planning: Past, Present and Future in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest" to the Commissioners.
2:51:05—Commissioners begin to discuss the plan with regard to WATV use on Forest Service Roads.
5.25.21 AM - BOCC
Short report on Critical Area Ordinance hearing from last night, an open position in the Planning Dept and Public Works, Wa State HS Rodeo finals at Fairgrounds this coming weekend, Approval/payment of vouchers for County government and Public Health, Annual Review of Auditor/Treasurer's financial report, Public Hearing on Budget Supplemental Appropriation for Public Works and District Court, Solid Waste and Public Works updates.
5.25.21 PM - BOCC
Malott resident says some kind of speed limit change is needed on the old 97 highway to avoid deer from being killed, especially at night. CB agrees to pursue the issue with Public Works; AH looking at ways to incorporate $180,000 in “static” Mazama Water Quality Fund moneys into a common project; second public hearing held to legitimize payment of Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) funds to sub-entity Community Action for the purpose of granting housing relief to low and moderate income households, especially in the form of mortgage assistance, excluded from previous aid programs, and allowing homeowners participating in low income housing exemption from energy requirements; CB proposes imitating other counties by encouraging the Watershed Council to merge with the Watershed Foundation to facilitate partnership in land use planning; AH suggests rewording of meeting minutes to better reflect his attitude toward necessary spending; CB toys with the idea of a “framework for equity” in the spending of federal Covid relief funds; AH is looking to aid from Ecology to update and expand water monitoring process in the Methow.
6.1.21 PM- BOCC
Housing Coalition recommends that the county Homeless Housing fund aid families threatened by eviction and ineligible for other aid because of their revenue; Burn ban declared for June 1st, AH pursues his research into the Mazama Water Quality Fund and how it might be spent; power outage generates expensive repair, county parcel requires spraying, would be good to sell it; Tonasket Ranger district needs announced, including new truck, a culvert repair, fire crew and botanists; rise in assessment of most residential properties throughout the county but 25% reduction on lots affected by subdivision moratorium.
6.1.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of Forest Service building acquisition feasibility and study. Planning Dept update – Comp plan ongoing, EIS complete, deliberating over comments given in Critical Areas Ordinance, and more with advisary groups, Fairgrounds update, including last weekend's use of fairgrounds by HS Rodeo Finals Group, upgrading of RV spaces, septic, and electrical needed – will be full agenda item in the near future, Update from Dispatch/ Communications; new generator with need for different transfer switch. Update from County Engineer.
6.7.21 PM - BOCC
Russell Holter discusses the contract the Commissioners will be asked to sign to have access to the grant money to repair curvilinear parapets on the Courthouse.
Discussion between Commissioners, JP and DIVCO employees about how to repair the open loop ground source geothermal system in the jail installed in 2016. They decide that the system has never worked properly and the problem is with the injector wells. CB says further discussion should be conducted in executive session with the attorney.
Commissioners meet with the Auditor and Deputy Treasurer to discuss transferring $283,078.00 from non-departmental to budget 197 to pay for several vehicles recently purchased by the Sheriff’s Office and the Assessor’s Office.
6.7.21 AM - BOCC
American Rescue Funds: There is a need for clarification on these issues: the exact process for applying for funds; the distinction between entitled and non-entitled entities, There may be state protocols to follow in some instances, Lanie will research this. Discussion between Agenda Items: There is a growing interest in the use of controlled burns by various state agencies, currently Fish and Wildlife are using controlled burns the most. Methow Watershed Council: AH and CB agree that there is a need for clear written language describing the relationship between Methow Watershed Council, Methow Watershed Foundation, County Government, and IG’s. Protocols for fiduciary matters needs to be very clear to all concerned. Discussion will be paused for the present and continued at a future date.
6.8.21 PM - BOCC
BOCC meeting: In public hearing on all-county assessment to fight apple maggot, Farm Bureau critical of growers bearing cost of a pest that comes from non-commercial property while others say taxes are the price to pay to save the industry; AH says tri-county pest board offers more resources, must preserve the rural lifestyle that people are accustomed to; for Those ineligible for other rental aid because of higher resources will receive $40,000 from county’s Homeless Housing Fund; Commissioners refuse to pay for an elected official’s upgraded plane ticket, policy says “cheapest way possible.”
Board of Health: With $1.8 BOH will create new posts for vaccination effort and, post-Covid 19, for environmental and community health. County a model for Covid 19 vaccination –will be subject of a documentary; a couple wanting to repair their drain field seeks reassessment of their property in order to meet minimum acreage requirement; health officer urges vaccines so events won’t have to be canceled, 43% of county vaccinated, watch out for UK and California variants; deaths from Fentanyl/fake Fentanyl; Ecology telling people they can drill wells in spite of moratorium, Environmental Health Officer feels “pulverized”; an individual threatening a “citizen’s audit” of the BOH reported to Sheriff.
6.8.21 AM - BOCC
Short planning update (difficult to hear – microphone not turned on) Funding discussion, planning Budget review with BOCC., more burn ban discussion/coordination with other entities - also Fire Advisory Board, Fairground projects – supplemental budget resolution, RV park priority with water, Support of Washington State Public Defense Grant for $21,228, presentation by Conservation District for USDA Joint Chiefs project/initiative, discussion of upcoming Budget Review & purchase of FS building, Public Works and Solid Waste update.
6.21.21 PM - BOCC
4:29:40— Planning update moved up in the schedule because Okanogan County Tourism Council has cancelled its presentation. PP discusses plans for advisory sub-area groups. Commissioners discuss boundaries for the sub-areas. PP also discusses permit tracking software, scanning and archiving documents, the inability to recruit a Senior Planner, and the critical areas discussion in next Monday’s Planning Commission meeting.
5:08:05— John Magnus is trying to buy a Tax Title parcel owned by the County, and Leah McCormick, County Treasure explains the procedure to him.
6.21.21 AM - BOCC
No detailed notes available at this time. The meeting followed the timing of the agenda below, with some additional discussion.
9:00 AM Review Commissioners Agenda and Consent Agenda
9:15 AM Briefing Among Commissioners-Discuss Individual Weekly Meetings & Schedules
9:30 AM Finance Committee Meeting-Budget Review
11:00 AM Discussion -Consider Burn Ban Recommendation Maurice Goodall
11:30 AM Update Fairgrounds -Naomie Peasley
6.22.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of Probation Vacancy in District Court, Road speed limits, Conconully City withdraws from agreement with County Re; enforcements of codes, site analysis, and building inspection. Updates on fairgrounds upgrades, bids, keeping grounds green. Consent Agenda, Approval of Horticultural Pest Control tax on landowners - $1.61 per parcel county wide; possible apple maggot quarantine, franchise approval to fiber communication on right of way. Public Works update.
6.22.21 PM - BOCC
In comment period Methow Valley resident Isabelle Spohn recalls that the County is legally bound to appointing advisory boards to participate in the Planning process. Quarterly departmental reports: assessor announces more frequent assessments, is pleased with sharp drop in number of appeals; Building permits up 40%; Sheriff’s office has liability concerns and questions following a new state legislation that has them “close to panic”; jail waiting for heating-cooling system fix; Coroner says state Covid cases and deaths down but overall deaths way up; Emergency Manager warns of 111º this weekend and may soon need interdepartmental help for big fires; Lakes being treated for milfoil, river to be treated; HR director attributes hiring crisis to high unemployment benefits; changes in Critical Areas ordinance following public comment will be subject to review, comp plan out and new software to help with well assessment and permitting; County set to buy old Forest Service Building but use as juvenile facility subject to change in use contract. Other discussion: Owner of cabin on Conconully Lake proposes changing county code to limit boat speed but is outnumbered by other lake-dwellers attached to broad recreational use; commissioners need clarification of PUD’s request to use aid dollars to pay for utility arrears.
6.23.21 AM - BOCC
A quorum of the Board of Commissioners met without announcement to the public, as far as we can tell so far. In watching the AV Capture of the meeting, it appears no important decisions were made; however this is a situation we have been attempting to address with the BOCC without success so far (stating that they MAY meet on Wednesday but not announcing whether they will meet.) Until now County Watch had been calling every Wednesday morning to find out whether they would be meeting. The informal discussion was attended by Andy Hover and Chris Branch. Eric Johnson, Executive Director of WSAC (Washington Association of Counties) explained what WSAC does, what issues they take on, and Commissioners briefly discussed issues of water and building/development in our county. The video was posted on AV Capture earlier tonight but seems to be unavailable at this time.
6.28.21 AM - BOCC
0:00 – Fireworks in Omak
6:10 – Ongoing Issues at Fairgrounds – management, budget control, communications.
30:00 – Discussion about American Relief Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
38:00 – MW arrives to talk about ARPA funds specifically as they apply to communications and broadband issues.
49:55- Discussion about renting Hancock Building to Economic Alliance.
52:20- Discussion about repairing parapets on County Courthouse
1:21:38 – Discussion about Executive Session planned for Wednesday
1:34:50 – Update from Veterans Relief Board rep Thomas Even
1:45:40 – Maurice Goodall (Emergency Mgmt) drops in for brief update
6.29.21 PM - BOCC
Work Source projects going full steam, SK must quickly publish a newspaper announcement to find replacement for Fairgrounds Events Coordinator who has just resigned; In Behavioral Health (BHOC) quarterly report, new director David McClay’s goals: new health record software, communication between actors in health care, de-escalation training needed to apply new law enforcement rules, reducing staff and raising pay; CB urges cooperation between associations, discussion on affordable housing, DM praises success of Clubhouse in Omak; RC stays after BHOC report to express praise for Fairgrounds Coordinator Naomi Paisley and is told that Paisley has just resigned from her post.
7.6.21 AM- BOCC
Review of travel policy for employee, especially in regards to flying, burn ban along with fireworks ban also, no sale of fireworks, finishing projects with outgoing (term ends Saturday) fairgrounds event coordinator, replacing of HVAC systems at the fairgrounds, jail, and courthouse,and other maintenance items, met with Eric Fritts – Central Services & VA Advisary Board member regarding trainings, Public Works update. Consent Agenda – Contracts.
7.6.21 PM - BOCC
Oroville EMS undergoing semi-annual audit, contract between city and county must also be renewed; a piece of property in the Methow acquired by County in order to receive funding for a bridge project must fall within state (sewerage) code and abide by the comprehensive plan; email report of an OCTA bus viewed at the Chesaw rodeo–it was probably a surplus with the insignia left on; Stella Columbia may be offered the job of interim Fair Events Coordinator vacated by Naomi Peasley; an email complaining about a county official, received by all county employees was considered inappropriate and suspicious by commissioners, CB will consult an attorney; Lake Osoyoos and Aeneas Lake irrigation districts requesting to be dissolved.
7.12.21 PM - BOCC
AH and CB discuss a funding request for $9,000 from the Methow Watershed Council to pay for administrative support. The BOCC first heard this request at its May 17, 2021 meeting and they are supportive, but they need to figure out a way to provide the funding that fits with the relationship between the county and the Council. There is much discussion about what the exact relationship is.
7.12.21 AM - BOCC
1:22 – Discussion about Fairgrounds (maintenance, management, etc)
37:30 – Discussion about Broadband project and how county communications system could interface with it.
1:05:40 – Auditor Cari Hall discusses Fairgrounds budget issues with BOCC
1:38:00 – AH and CB engage in conversation about Methow Watershed Council and options for replacing it with a new advisory group.
7.13.21 PM - BOCC
BOCC: Oroville Housing Authority has completed it’s sewer project benefiting farm workers and the homeless, thanks to a block grant. All working great, says project manager; County unable to sign lease agreement right away to enable Economic Alliance to rent the (long empty) Hancock Building because LJ stumbled on state code requiring three weeks of public notice immediately prior to the leasing of county property; Long Term Recovery contract renewed with Fairgrounds; CB has some thoughts on business licenses.
Board of Health: (Recording unavailable. Because of technical difficulties, meeting notes incomplete.)
Report on sanitation surveys of Group A water systems by Environmental Health Officer David Hilton; Commissioner Hover moves to approve an amendment consolidating contracts. For top of pay scale, hourly wages rise from $29.32 to $32.26. Most (county ?) wages raised by $l to $l.50/hour. Total increase to County budget : $771,250. Administrative salaries will go from roughly $60,000 to $66,000. AH cites competition with private sector and current high unemployment benefits as reasons for the hike ; Mariann Williams, board member, mentions support from state: It’s a good opportunity to do this sort of thing. Lauri Jones reports on “mass vacs”– says a Covid variant has appeared in the county but she doesn’t know the symptoms and “Apple Pie Saturday.” Says office has been invaded by “a carpet” of elm seed bugs, which resemble box elder beetles, some of them even dropping from the light fixture onto her desk.
7.13.21 AM - BOCC
Working together for upcoming Okanogan County Fair given budget shortfall and staffing issues, recommendations for reclassifications and duties of fairgrounds staff, HR reports new upcoming mandatory deductions from County Employees for LTC, resolution delegating authority to use tear gas when needed to the County Sheriff contrary to recent legislation at the State level, Bids received and accepted for Bridge work, Public Works update with upgrades in certain water/septic systems managed by the County.
7.19.21 PM - BOCC
4:30:00 Commissioners and others hear a briefing about an upcoming routine audit by the State Auditor’s Office.
5:04:40 The Planning Department had a phone call last week with the state’s Department of Commerce and the WDFW concerning the Critical Areas Ordinance.
5:26:25 Discussion of staffing GIS department in the Planning Department and Sheriff's Department
7.19.21 AM - BOCC
Maurice Goodall reported on fire situation in the Methow, and status of Declaration of Emergency.
Commissioners discussed the need for clarification in County’s process for buying, selling, leasing properties.
Health Dept. Lauri Jones with documentary film crew came in to interview Jim Detro.
Water tracking assumptions in model to be used by Methow Watershed Council discussed.
Commissioners’ Briefing reviewed discussions: with tribe about fire in Nespelem.
Livestock Auction, Fair Entertainment, need for clarification of property management of County properties, Job descriptions at the County.
Naomi Peasley Fair report, choosing entertainment.
7.20.21 PM - BOCC
A bio-char enterprise has passed a final permitting hurdle and next week will start chipping wood from slash piles, a first step towards pyrolization and
commercialization; Building permits numbers up, especially in Methow, even for water-less areas affected by the one-year moratorium, and applicants tend to be non-local; Weed control more difficult in intense heat, and Lake Osoyoos milfoil treatment project compromised by quarter mile buffer zone along Canadian border, grant funds sufficient for treatment budget but not for filling staff vacancies; final paperwork for Oroville Homeless Housing Sewer Project.
7.20.21 AM - BOCC
Updates on current wildfires, BOCC authorized an emergency declaration regarding the fire danger and requested emergency manager to contact National Guard for help, data exchange with the Yakama Nations, snakes have come inside jail, approved proceedings regarding MV Watershed Council, Finance Committee report/discussion, discussion of changes at the Ok County Extension/ need to fill Master Gardener position, road maintenance/bridge work and helping out with current fires.
7.26.21 AM - BOCC
The time stamps refer to the times on the AV Capture archive of the meeting on this date. Click here to go to video. NOTE: THE AUDIO PORTION OF AV CAPTURE WAS NOT WORKING FOR THE FIRST 2 HOURS. IT WAS RESTORED FOR THE LAST PORTION OF THIS SESSION (APPROX ½ HOUR).
Emergency Management: evacuation protocol, Hazard Mitigation Plan, Methow fires; Additional Personnel to Clerk's Office; surplus property; executive session; financing MWC; possible opening of hearing room for in person attendance; deferred mainenance FS projects (see email file to left); vouchers, letter supporting Smoke Jumper Base project; RBDG grant for Loomis FD10 feasibility study.
Related Documents:
7.27.21 AM - BOCC
Fire updates, fairground updates; staff hired, budgeting discussions, update from Assessors' Office, Reclassification of positions in maintenance and the fairgrounds, Discussion with County Resident & County Engineer regarding maintenance on B&O Road West, Solid Waste update, Road work and barricades in relation to current fire activity; Cedar Creek & Cub Creek Fires.
7.27.21 PM - BOCC
Citizens criticize by-passing of public participation in elaboration of fire protection plan and ask BOCC to clarify priorities; Forest Service will not close forest but will do messaging to decrease fire risk, Sheriff says some lake activities curbed so planes can fill up; Nespelem bans industrial activities in forest; CB outlines possible priorities to seek funding for; Methow Watershed Foundation faces bureaucratic hurdles before being able to receive public funds.
8.2.21 PM - BOCC
2:22:19 Mat Lyons of TREAD Map discusses the app with the commissioners and asks for a letter committing the county to a $30,000 payment to TREAD Map to facilitate the development of a state-wide app for recreational trail use. The commissioners are interested and discuss ways to fund the request.
3:26:50 CB updates the commissioners about the $8,200,000 the county will soon receive as its share of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). He talks about the administrative goals of ARPA, the five focus areas to be funded and suggests some amounts to get the discussion started. The commissioners also discuss how the funding decisions will be made and who should be involved.
8.2.21 AM - BOCC
MG Maurice Goodall reported on fire situation, listing evacuation areas.
Mention was made of inaccurate information being posted on social media.
CB Chris Branch Forest Health Collaborative is planning flights to look over the forested land in our area. It has been proposed that Congressman Dan Newhouse go on a flight.
TH, AC, CB, JD, AH Discussion on the use of the ESSB 5092 funds being
used by the County Sheriff’s office for training.
8.3.21 AM - BOCC
Staffing issues in Planning Dept, BOCC approval of a FT Clerk 3 position in the BOCC office, Update from Fairgrounds Event Coordinator/ Puncturevine Weed problems, Fair Registration opened Aug 1, Budgeting changeover to Fairgrounds being it's own separate dept, invoice from new Tri-County Pest Control Office, Updates from Dispatch/Communications Manager/ network costs/possible connections with other counties; Skagit & Skamania, update on maintenance and road condition, damage from current fires, discussion of when Hwy 20 might get re-opened.
8.3.21 PM - BOCC
Public comment inquiring about possible dangers to wildlife habitat linked to milfoil treatment in Lake Osoyoos; Commissioners pledged to contribute $30,000 to the Treadmap project, a data base providing information on trails; Approval of budget supplementals to complete Assessor’s truck purchase and to buy scanners and printer for Auditor’s Office; Reinstatement of a Commissioners Office clerk position.
8.10.21 AM - BOCC
Interlocal agreement between City of Conconully & Okanogan County revised, some fire updates, Maintenance updates/HVAC system @ Public Works, and fairground updates, discussion of water issues at fairgrounds; irrigation vs domestic use wells, 30 days until County Fair, Livestock auction slated to be in person and on-line. Finance/budget/American Recovery Act monies/ updates with Treasurer and Auditor, BOCC to meet online with the Okanogan Transportation Board tomorrow (Wednesday) @8:30 AM, Approved Consent Agenda, B&O Road maintenance situation decision, hearings for Chesaw water users & 6 year transportation plan approved, Public Works update on road maintenance, paid vouchers from Emergency Management Districts, extended the moratorium on building permits in WRIA 48 for another 6 months on parcels subdivided after March 28, 2002, except for Columbia River influence area. Extended the emergency declaration due to wildfires.
Related Documents:
8.16.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners discuss a request for additional funds for a 16-unit housing project for low income seniors in Omak. There is much discussion about the Affordable Housing budget vs the Homeless Housing budget and which budget the money should come from. It’s decided that AH and LJ will examine the budgets and propose a scenario. If the Housing Coalition accepts the scenario, the budget request will be approved tomorrow morning.
8.16.21 AM - BOCC
Maurice Goodall and Fire Professionals KJ, CF, BD, DH, ML report on fires in area, especially Muckamuck in Conconully some of the professionals had come from California.
Ronnie Holder Diefenbach reported on Economic Alliance
County Commissioners Briefing Public Hearing Budget Supplemental Public Appropriation Jail Improvement Fund 193 motion to accept made and seconded. Other discussions including ongoing Forest Collaborative Project
Naomi Peasley report on Fairgrounds; competing needs for Agriplex use
8.17.21 AM - BOCC
Special meeting with Board of Health via Zoom – specifically to support a letter from Dr James Wallace and other health officers around the state in requesting Governor to impose a mask mandate. 2 voted in favor, 4 no votes. Dr. Wallace is able to sign this letter without the support of the Board; Discussion/update of fire activity; Discussion among BOCC regarding masking, vaccinations being mandatory or personal choice, All 3 Commissioners have heard from constituents on these issues and share their opinions, insights, thoughts; update from Emergency Services Manager; Finance Committee Meeting – 1 in a series to determine how to utilize the $8.1 million dollars allocated to Okanogan County under the American Rescue Plan Act; TV District questioning project on road to Omak Mountain – this needs to be addressed with the Colville Tribe; Updates: Solid Waste manager; County Engineer: Per WDFW – Miller Pit is funded.
Related Documents:
8.17.21 PM - BOCC
Central Services - New power back-up operational, purchase of main power switch to include new configuration, 90 computers need replacing, departments sharing costly cyber security system; Omak Mountain Rd resident up in arms about the state of her road and the county’s lack of response to her calls; TOI trail project in Oroville gets support; Fire camp coming to fairgrounds but everything should be cleared for the fair; Prosecutor’s office needs the Fairgrounds Agriplex in a few weeks, may also use Commissioners meeting hall; Conconully Mayor writes letter asking to lift fire restrictions within city limits, overriding recommendations of Emergency Manager and Fire teams.
8.24.21 PM - BOCC
Public Comment - IS, who urges formation of advisory groups before Comprehensive Plan is finished and emphasizes zoning issue with need for mandated County Wildfire Protection Plan, and RH, concerned that County leaders take Covid precautions at the Fair seriously; Temporary ban on cannabis grows and expansion of existing grows, public hearing in store; long delayed hook-up of Chamberty Shores to Oroville’s sewer system to end septic tanks near lake, only doable through a bonding/assessment process.
Notes not available at this time.
Related Documents:
8.24.21 AM - BOCC
Superior Court's use of Agriplex and alternatives, Fairgrounds update. Discussion with OKPH and Emergency Services regarding Covid protocol at the upcoming County Fair/need to include fairground staff/advisory board with recommendations, Discussion of moratorium on marijuana grows with Planning Director, Current Review of Appeals processes by Department of Revenue, Board of Equalization budget overage, HR/Risk Manager update – Open Enrollment for LTC for County Employees, Public Works Update/ Bridge project.
9.1.21 AM - BOCC
5 budget supplemental hearings, request from fair manager, Naomie Peasley, for funding to do Covid protocols at the fair to make this a safe, successful fair– (CB had facilitated this with NP), NP had met with Fair Advisary Group, Public Health Director, Emergency Services Mgr, Dr Wallace for strategies- will need to purchase fans, signage, cleaning stations, rent more benches for social distancing, etc. Board onboard with this request, Consent Agenda approved, update on Champerty Shores.
9.7.21 PM - BOCC
Update from Human Resources highlights Workforce meeting with 16 candidates applying and testing for vacant patrol and dispatch positions, and Larry Gilman's hard work on the Noxious Weed Resolution passed in a.m. session; Wording changed in Champerty Shores sewage hook-up resolution to specify project won't be financed by county; Supplementals for Building, Housing, Professional Services and Planning departments amount to $345,000; Tonasket Ranger District - short on excavators as fire teams move into "rehab" mode, campgrounds except for Cottonwood escaped damage, Conconully lucked out, Forest Service kicked off a road it's supposed to have an easement on; Feasibility Study of new Loomis firehall granted an envelope of $40,000, architects chosen; Twisp River Bridge project receives full funding, State Transportation Dept.'s railroad track improvement project in Oroville criticized for technical and logistical snags.
9.7.21 AM - BOCC
Short discussion with Superior Court – re-scheduled until September 21st @8:15 AM as AH will be back from vacation, Discussion re: fair being supported by all 3 Commissioners, concern of shutting fair down d/t Covid #'s/janitorial staff cancelled, along with 6 other vendors /masks to be available not- required, signage and hand wash stations ,interviewed candidates for Clerk 3 Position in BOCC office, Accepted Pioneer Waterproofing bid to do building assessment for courthouse, Noxious Weed staffing requested and approved, Road maintenance and road condition update, current projects, equipment purchases from last year have not been received yet.
9.14.21 PM - BOH
"Frustrated health supporter" resents a group's disinformation campaigns; LJ explains divergent state and county death counts; grants for employee wellness campaign and for child immunization--most are behind on their shots; new Covid cases among highest in country, impacting normally available services, increase in long-haulers' syndrome; Okanogan sixth grade closed down; uptick in testing.
9.14.21 AM - BOCC
Urgency to purchase the Forest Service Building for the Courts; fair review; attendance and exhibits down; Fairgrounds currently closed to public for work on water systems. Discussion of how new fee schedules can be accommodated on County website, Positive Covid 19 cases among employees in the Planning and Auditors Offices. Plan to protect staff from exposure. Planning Dept: new fee schedule, discuss role in the Watershed Council RFQ for Administrative Services, Auditor: Problems with the 67-2021 pest control assessment resolution; will be meeting with Jim Wilson ( state Auditor's office) regarding ARPA, other funding for bonding on building purchase, etc; County Engineer: Solid Waste and Road maintenance updates.
9.20.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners & Pete Palmer, Director of Planning, discuss negotiating a contract with the Methow Watershed Foundation so the county will be able to fund administrative work for the Watershed Council.
Commissioners discuss partnering with the Conservation District to deal with water banking.
Executive session with Dave Gecas, attorney, and PP, to discuss a stay in the lawsuit involving the Yakama Nation and the Comprehensive Plan, a proposed resolution to the French Creek Road settlement and potential legal ramifications of evicting a marijuana grower. After the session it is announced that the county and Yakama Nation agreed to an additional deadline of 3-31-2022.
Dave Worden, of the Dispatch Center, presents three possible uses for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the commissioners to consider: a new command vehicle, upgrades to the jail and upgrades to the Coroner’s facility.
Cari Hall, Auditor, discusses a situation in which the county’s policy for paying benefits to part-time non-bargaining employees hasn’t followed the procedures in the personnel manual since at least 2002. The commissioners think that the current policy is what the county should be following and instruct HR to create new language in the personnel manual and write a resolution for the Commissioners to amend the manual.
9.20.21 AM - BOCC
Commissioner Branch opened with a discussion about Covid 19 practices in the Commissioner’s Hearing Room.
Commissioner Detro had corrections to minutes of Sept. 14.
Commissioner Briefing: Discussion of issues related to purchasing property, of the possibility of a mandated vaccination policy, Spending of American Rescue Plan money.
Leah McCormick and Jim Nelson: County bond discussion
Naomi Peasley: Fairground Report
9.21.21 PM - BOCC
Citizens in public comment period urge mask wearing in the commissioner's room and backing up last year's proclamation by spreading mask, test and vaccine info in public meetings and in local media; BOCC hoping ARPA (Covid) funds will be available for the purchase of the Forest Service Building for use by Superior Court; Mandate for vaccination of state employees puts them in difficulty position, says Judge Culp, HR director asks for vaccine exemption petitions to be reviewed by attorneys from outside the county in the interest of neutrality; to comply with state’s law on less-than-lethal weapons sheriff’s office receive grants for purchase of six FM 303s; to encourage recruitment, fees waived for civil service tests; Barter faire likely to be authorized by county but event will still be subject to discussion.
9.21.21 AM - BOCC
More discussion regarding specifics of funding purchase of Forest Service building for Superior Court and upcoming jury trial/selection to begin in November, Finance Committee Meeting, Planning updates; Comp Plan timeline and fee schedule, County agreement with City of Conconcully, Hearing continued for Methow Valley Irrigation District Franchise renewal, Public Works updates; Ellesford Transfer Station, road conditions after fires, 2 open positions in the Methow, Discussion among the BOCC regarding Mask and vaccine mandates overall and in regard to County Employees.
9.27.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion and approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement for Okanogan County to purchase old Forest Service building that is next to the Public Works offices; Auditor request for changes to leave for employees affected by office closures due to Covid19; Veteran Relief Board update and request to change from a Board to a committee; Discussion about budget for Homeless Housing fund and Affordable Housing fund; Discussion with Okanogan Conservation District about implementing a water bank for Ag lands.
9.28.21 AM - BOCC
Superior Court Administrator: purchase of Forest Service Building- purchase & sale agreement signed with earnest money; Court to use Commissioner's meeting room for Jury selection; Planning Dept. updates: Comp. Plan scheduling; building permit moratorium, Marijuana farms, Shoreline development permit has education feature; Emergency Services: readies for removing burn ban, to coincide with DNR, resolution needed; Mass vaccine this Friday; request from Fairgrounds Manager for FT or PT year-round position, Public Health Director and Emergency Services Manager discuss Covid 19: capacity of medical facilities, emergency planning, staffing issues – here and nationwide, 9 deaths in the last 15 days – one is vaccinated. Unable to do contact tracing from fair, - only 1 so far, Public works update and purchases.
9.28.21 PM - BOCC
Citizens ask questions about re-scheduling planning meetings so more people can attend, deadlines for written comment on Comp. Plan, not enough policing to prevent fires and too much policing of residents on National Forest land, and letting cattle who graze on burned lands bring in invasive weeds; purchase of Forest Service building imminent, funds to come from a bond and from ARPA, will be used for Superior Court, Juvenile Court and County Clerk; property value increased 30% in two years; coroner really, really busy, Covid 19 takes its toll on county staff; posts still vacant in Noxious Weeds, Dispatch and Corrections, among others; Communications hoping for approval of mitigation grants; New shops envisioned for Winthrop and Tonasket; Extension Office progresses on County needs assessment; employees to start anti-phishing training; Courthouse to receive a touch-up, AH muses on fish access to the dam.
10.4.21 PM - BOCC
David McClay presents Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare’s (OBHC) quarterly update to JD, the only commissioner present. OBHC’s biggest issue is retaining staff, especially in light of Gov. Inslee’s vaccine mandate. However, there’s money available to replace funds that were lost because of Covid, and OBHC got $100,000 grant Beacon (?) to help Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) staffing be available 24/7. He’s also met with Sheriff Hawley to discuss the new use of force laws.
10.4.21 AM - BOCC
Will Carpenter, Okanogan County Pest Control Year-End Report: Mostly focused on Apple Maggot mitigation. WC described a decrease in the number of (pupae?) counted, and that it looks like we have a good chance of not having to quarantine. Stresses that “consistency, transparency, and clarity” are important for working with WSDA. JD and AH thanked the Apple Maggot Working Group for all its hard work.
Forecasting Quorum issues: AH, LJ looking at items on the next few days and availability of commissioners for quorum. CH is absent at this time. JD will be available tomorrow, Oct. 5, all day. AH will be in tomorrow in morning, and will Zoom in afternoon.
10.5.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of how Fairgrounds can pay the B&O tax required – need budget supplement, will need to move funds around, Bids for new trucks (Jess Ford only bidder, bids for HVAC systems, and lighting on south parking lot of courthouse, agenda cancellations due to no quorum, update from emergency manager, Public Works updat
10.11.21 PM - BOCC
Public Hearing on Ordinance 2021-8 MV Building moratorium. After hearing testimony from many people, some of whom have suffered economic hardship from the building moratorium, the BOCC votes to continue the building moratorium but to work quickly to resolve the issue for the approximately 235 parcels owned by people who have invested time and money in obtaining a building permit, but are unable to because of the moratorium. Other parcels affected will be not be considered such a high priority.
Shelly Keitzman updates the Commissioners re: increased insurance costs with Aflac and Delta Dental. She also discusses adjustments to the pay rates and grades.
Cari Hall, County Auditor, has emailed the Commissioners, saying the Superior Courts need an addition to their budget of $77,000 or they won’t be able to meet the payroll this month, and will need a total of $101,700 for the remainder of the year. The Commissioners are taken aback. AH says they will approve the money to meet the payroll, but Dennis Rabidou, Court Administrator, must come and discuss why the courts need so much more and why they’ve waited until the last minute to request it.
JR and Chantry Leslie are interviewed by phone for two open positions on the Fair Advisory Committee. They are approved and will attend the meeting on Monday evening.
10.11.21 AM - BOCC
Management of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and projects- suggestion that county could hire an outside firm to do the work; Funding for Methow Watershed Council (MWC); Request from Sheriff’s Dept and Coroner for new building – Coroner describes challenging conditions he is currently working in especially with regard to lack of adequate sanitary space to store bodies; BOCC passes resolution to use bond to pay for purchase of a building for Superior and Juvenile court; Treasurer requests resolution to use Admin. leave for two employees who were forced to take days off due to Covid -related office closure; Assessor updates BOCC on changes in budgeting and levy fund certification process.
10.12.21 AM - BOCC
Only 2 commissioners in attendance, update from County Planner; staffing issues and Comprehensive Plan right on schedule, discussion of consultant assessment of courthouse upgrade, getting quotes for lighting on upper parking lot for courthouse. Public Works update – road maintenance, projects completed. Also, discussion of communication regarding Omak Mountain Road.
10.12.21 PM - BOCC
Budget appropriation of $2M of projects applical to ARPA, including Forest Service Building ; Sheriff’s office authorized to spend WASPIC funds on investigation of denied firearms permits ; Administration building and Public Works will soon have electrical backup (HVAC) ; Superior Court will receive $77,000 to fulfill their spending obligations, half from the county and half from CARES and ARPA funds ; Public Works parking lot to receive
extra lights ; Community Action to receive a CDBG grant.
10.12.21 PM - BOH
In public comment session, attention drawn to Coroner’s
running out of space for bodies and lack of mask-wearing at county meetings despite Covid’s toll on county staff; Health Officer Wallace says Okanogan county slowly improving its Covid numbers though it still has among highest rates in the country, admits to fallout from vaccine requirement but says shots are up, Coroner and Sheriff’s Deputy will benefit from a renovated facility; Environmental
Health report: Officer, Hilton, reluctant to approve short plat because house lacks septic permit and was built the year these were required, agrees to verification of tank and drain field; storage
shed broken into; AH asks Hilton to write a cistern ordinance.
10.18.21 AM - BOCC
Meeting began with Executive Session to discuss Union Negotiations. Commissioners discussed issues related to the Building Moratorium, Watershed Foundation’s proposed budget, Forest Advisory Committee’s proposed meetings are on Monday, creating difficulty for BOCC. Superior Court representative asking for resolution to authorize use of sick leave to accommodate those requesting Vaccination exemptions. Commissioner Branch discussed Economic Development Retreat, Commissioner Hover Initiated discussion of upcoming agenda items needing to be prioritized.
10.18.21 PM - BOCC
1:54:35 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) agrees to keep the Okanogan County Tourism Council (OCTC) its Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for another three years. OCTC will try to promote more tourism in the north county. The total funding is $270,000.
2:54:55 Public Hearing Ordinance 2021-9 Marijuana Moratorium. Planning Department recommends continuing the Moratorium on licensing new grows and expanding currently licenses grows. According to the Liquor and Cannabis Control Board, the county has 125 permitted sites in the county, but according to county records we have 82. Current licensees were sent a letter telling people to come in to the office with their documents to make sure they were in compliance. However, only three people have done that. Two people testify, saying they’re right in the middle of harvest and everyone is working very hard, so that’s why there are so few comments. The commissioners decide to amend the moratorium to allow more time for growers to present their documents to show they’re in compliance with the county. They also discuss the issue of leasing grow land vs owning grow land. They emphasize that the County needs to get a handle on what’s currently permitted.
10.19.21 PM - BOCC
CB disagrees with Chronicle version of last week’s Coroner’s report ; candidates sought for District Court Judge and Fairgrounds positions ; discussion on unintended consequences of state legislature decisions, notably Campbell & Gwyn on building moratoriums ; Search and rescue, Conservation District to receive Title III funding ; AH offers farm/family reasons for his recent absences from meetings ; Building Dept.’s Senior Plans Examiner to retire, some salaries raised to resemble those in other counties ; Redistricting planned in November, county’s unusually high number of precincts should be reduced next year.
10.19.21 AM - BOCC
Planning Dept getting bombarded with public record requests and e-mails, Fair manager to attend Fair Convention this coming weekend in Spokane & planning for upcoming projects, audit of Public Health funds from CARES act, lengthy discussion with County Auditor and County Treasurer,, also discussion of ARPA funds/process for accountability of eligible projects, BOCC considering hiring outside firm to keep track of grants, bid opening for refrigerant removal services – 1 bid, lengthy discussion after the executive session regarding how the County needs to handle Covid mandates – County does not have a policy for masks or vaccines, Have been utilizing the Public Health Officer to determine how to handle a Covid positive employee or just exposure and need for quarantine – administrative leave vs sick leave for this.
10.25.21 AM - BOCC
Redistricting; Proposal for construction of a new building to meet needs for Sheriff’s Dept. (equipment storage) and Coroner (adequate morgue space); need to consider equitable outcomes for ARPA money; updating county code to comply with state laws regarding firearms; discussion with Okanogan Conservation District about creating a waterbank to provide options for local water rights holders.
10.25.21 PM - BOCC
Several staff members who are not part of a bargaining unit discuss their need for a raise in pay.
George Thornton and Victoria Velategui give the commissioners an update on the TV Reception District. They’re making good progress and think it’s possible to get all the repairs and upgrades finished. FEMA has been a big help funding the work.
PP asks the BOCC to allow the Planning Department to waive the job requirement for the Senior Planner to have a valid driver’s license. The applicant interviewed very well but her license was revoked. Since the Department needs a new Senior Planner very badly and driving it’s really needed for the job, the commissioners agree to waiving the requirement. Another Senior Planner has resigned to take a job in Montana and PP is trying to take over some of her duties. She was the expert on water issues in the Methow. Gina McCoy has resigned from the Planning Commission. BOCC and PP discuss the resignation and the time line for the Comprehensive Plan.
Related Documents:
10.26.21 AM - BOCC
Quarterly update from Larry Gilman, County Assessor: marijuana grows/farms, archive record project, physical inspection cycle beginning in Zone 1 Methow Valley – Carlton north, pest control resolution for taxation purposes, cannabis grow farms – personal property tax – how to collect, also overnight rentals, Public hearing for Franchise renewal Methow Irrigation District continued again – more information is expected from irrigation district, discussion of possible road vacation – possibly Ruby Grade, lengthy discussion regarding collection of personal property tax collection from businesses – wanting to be fair – across the board- not just singling out one business. Road maintenance and public works update.
10.26.21 PM - BOCC
In Public Comment period ES notifies LJ of sound problems with Zoom connection, IS echoes Planning Commission members’ complaints of public comment on the Comp Plan draft being disregarded, thus forcing commission member McCoy’s resignation, and regrets removal of public comments on the plan from County website; lengthening of sheriff’s officers’ probationary period evoked; State grant agreement for Courthouse rehabilitation approved; CB to sign off on Forest Service Building sale.
11.1.21 AM - BOCC
Meeting opened with discussion about Watershed Foundation Contract. There was a mention of the Jail, difficult to hear. Letters to the Editor discussed, one letter stated that the writers did not feel county Covid Safety protocol was consistent across departments,and that there were negative consequences for our county. An animated discussion ensued about whether the county had a clear policy, whether it was followed, and also about whether information coming from public institutions was reliable. Question was raised about what is reliable information, and also the risk factors to the county in not following the governor’s mandates. All commissioners remained civil. Purchase of building financing discussed. Motion made to reimburse an amount of approx. 900,000 to the Fair from the ARCA funds. Motion accepted.
11.8.21 PM - BOCC
The Commissioners discuss 2022 budgets for several different county units: Risk Management and Human Relations, the Commissioners’ Office and the Fair. They also discuss different strategies to increase attendance at the fair. Most of these strategies involve spending money, so the discussions will continue when those involved have had time to develop a more concrete plan. 2022 will be the 75th anniversary of the fair.
11.9.21 AM - BOCC
Ongoing discussions/planning with Superior Court regarding move to the Forest Service Building and meeting with architect consultant, new staff hired in Planning Dept to start next week, right now, down 4 staff members due to Covid. Other updates from Planning, contract with (Lotus?) for record retention services, also approving contract with Methow Watershed Foundation, changes in Comp Plan timelines due to DEIS – Public hearing is 11/29, fairgrounds updates, tree removal needed, update with County Treasurer, County Auditor Update; election went well, licensing has slowed down, has been working with vendor on new computer system that is more robust and user friendly, will do a lot of things the current Eden system unable to do, New system is UNIS and would be the official core county financial system, other counties are utilizing this software as well, Solid Waste update and update on road maintenance and conditions.
11.9.21 PM - BOH
Complaint against public employee to be taken up in second executive session; Environmental Health Officer announces fee increases, need for more staff; discussion of public comment and agenda; Environmental Health shopping for new 4WD pick-up; State insurance plan adopted for County employees; attorney Chuck Zimmerman outlines stipulations for soon-to-be-finalized Regional Health District, says new board could closely resemble this one but WAC process must be followed; Covid cases half as high as early September but tenfold what they were in June, Health Officer Wallace willing to clear up any confusion on “protective” vaccination process he says has proven itself; LJ explains differences between state and county websites’ death numbers; Cistern resolution not for anytime soon; Commissioner Detro’s mother-in-law may not have to get septic permit after all but to avoid conflict of interest someone else should advocate for her in the continued discussion of the subdivision.
11.15.21 PM - BOCC
Commissioners discuss plans with Mike Worden for upgrades to the morgue and equipment shelter. MW says it will cost approximately$238,000 to get the architect to prepare the documents needed to ask for bids. AH needs to talk to the same architect on Nov. 23 about a giant project on a Forest Service building. After getting that estimate, the BOCC would have a pretty good idea how much they could afford to pay for the morgue and equipment shelter.
11.16.21 AM - BOCC
New staff member in Planning introduced, fairgrounds update, gas leaks reported, also repair & maintenance budgeting concerns, budget work session for public works and solid waste, bid opening for fuel in 2022, public hearing on Methow Irrigations District utility franchise continued again, update from public works on road maintenance.
11.16.21 PM - BOCC
Public Comments call attention to Planning’s need for back-up, a « laissez faire » attitude during meetings and especially the confusion caused by publishing contradictory deadlines for public comment on both Comp Plan and Environmental Impact Statement draft; Criminal Justice Treatment plan renewed; Central Services busy organizing anti-phishing training, archiving through off-line back-up; dumpster pick-up bills examined; Osoyoos Water District, Nine-mile Flood Control District dissolved for lack of activity; grant process to improve broadband gets letter of support.
11.22.21 PM - BOCC
Scott Vejraska recently won the Volunteer of the Year award from the Washington Festivals and Events Association for his work at the Fair, and he thanks the Commissioners for their continued support of the fair.
BOCC continue their work on Emergency Management’s budget.
11.22.21 AM - BOCC
Moving Departments to different buildings; fairgrounds operations budget; managing ARPA funds with social equity in mind; approval of premium pay for county employees; lack of county policy on Covid 19; recruitment and retention of county employees; building department salaries; County Fair budget and amenities.
11.23.21 PM - BOCC
Brief discussion over a $40,000 entertainment contract for the Fair ; in Forest Service building visit debrief: All court services moving to new building and Public Works building next door. Public Works to Administration building, Sheriff’s Office, Dispatch, Public Health and Noxious Weeds to Courthouse; Architect describes 20-year master plan process; a question about the proximity of projected Day Care center to prisoners coming to trial. Discussion of position reclassifications and the salary survey; comparing snowplowing rates for new building: $495 per plow or $90/hour.
11.23.21 AM - BOCC
BOCC did walk through of newly purchased Forest Service building today with the architect consultant, Non-bargaining County employees showed disparity in their wages compared with other counties and are requesting this to be reviewed, also COLA increase, report by Solid Waste Manager re: composting workgroup – statewide, update from Public Works :short discussion on recruitment and retention of employees. Public Health has need of security cameras and lights in parking lot.
11.29.21 AM - BOCC
An initial discussion about GIS staffing in Planning Office. Possible need of another staff member. Short discussion about budget as it relates to possible new hiring; labor costs being recurrent rather than one-time costs. Short Discussion of safety issues in the Court building. Executive session with David G?
3 Public hearings: Road Levy Certification, Supplemental Appropriation Fund 120 Communications, and Supplemental Appropriation Emergency Services Fund 121, all passed. Discussions about flooding in valley, water moratorium and subdivisions in in Tunk area.
11.30.21 PM - BOCC
Unused CARES money will likely be re-directed to other applicable costs ; Review of the two candidates from the Methow applying to fill Planning Commission vacancy, former commissioner Ray Campbell and scientist John Crandall ; Land Trust seeking to preserve McGlaughlin Falls property ; John Crandall appointed to PC with JD abstaining, having served with Campbell(OK commissioner); Administrators charging close to $200,000 a year, 8% of total, to facilitate ARPA grant ; talk of Chronicle’s request to respond to (County Watch) editorial on mask-wearing.
11.30.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of lighting and cameras for security of the courthouse and new building, other work on the wells, discussion of contract with Romeo Entertainment Group for procuring entertainment for the fair, other projects at the fairgounds; fencing and railing. Whether to do interviews for a court position at an open meeting, planned for December 13th in the PM – 3 candidates, Personnel changes in Central Services, promotion of current employee and hiring of entry level position, some interesting discussion of fish-bearing streams in the County, and population growth.
12.6.21 PM - BOCC
The public hearing for the 2022 budget continues. Commissioners hear from the Sheriff’s Office,discuss creating several new positions for the courts, Planning Department and Prosecuting Attorney’s office. CH and commissioners tie up a lot of loose ends. The hearing will continue Tuesday at 10AM, when they hope to finish up.
12.7.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of security and alarms at the new building (FS Building recently purchased) with maintenance supervisor and emergency services, (recent false alarm at county) budget work session with the finance committee (revenue shortfall) to be continued tomorrow @9, planning records being scanned and sent to archives, update from Communications/Dispatch officer, Public Works update, and discussion of potential sale of property in the Methow to WDFW.
12.7.21 PM - BOCC
Informal chat on planned developments, clusters, open space, and planning codes; Ok Behavioral Health C report: grappling with increased demand for services and reduced means, efforts to mitigate bill restricting law enforcement’s role in mental health crises, and positive collaboration between first responders, Lifeline, ERs and OBHC; Tonasket ranger reports on timber sales, salvage sales, the BAER fire recovery program, and some minor vandalism.
12.13.21 AM - BOCC
Exec. Session to discuss press release from Yakima Nation regarding Comp. plan; WRIA 49 planning; contract with Douglas County for jail beds; safety of fairgrounds bleachers; required OPMA training; ARPA funds; Public hearing to review request of resident to be relieved from Lake Management District assessment.
Related Documents:
12.13.21 PM - BOCC
BOCC interviews three candidates for District Court Judge, Chancey Crowell, Ted Reinbold and Katherine Burke. They tell them they’ll decide by end of the day, but after the Executive Session, they announce they’ve delayed the decision by a day.
Also, the BOCC briefly discuss how the redistricting of their districts will happen. JD says that in the past, the adjustments were made where all three districts converge.
12.14.21 PM - BOCC
Results from a WSU-led survey on county residents’ satisfaction show universally lower levels for affordable housing, the economy, and (except for Winthrop) education, while respondents were satisfied with parks and recreation, major services and Okanogan County overall as a place to live ; vacant District Court Judge position filled ; (after a BOH meeting where re-writing Public Health ordinances was discussed) all three commissioners agreed to set aside some time to review County Code.
12.14.21 AM - BOCC
Update from Planning Director on staffing, and alarm system incident last week, Emergency Services discussed getting a coordinated plan for the fire alarm system for detection, activation and alarm and other incident safety protocal with local fire departments, etc, raises possibility of a fire marshal position, Maintenance Supervisor explains where fire detectors are currently and he's waiting to hear back from Divco regarding compressors/units not functioning correctly, discussion of need for buildings assessment, along with the newly acquired building, water problems at the fairgrounds, BOCC appoints District Court Judge -Chancey Crowell, Significant discussion regarding redistricting in the County based on 2020 Census results, how & who does this, Auditors office update, adopted budget for 2022 is on the Auditor's website, needing communication with all department heads on the possible new computer system, Bidding for 2022 Public Works fuel supply continues, Public Works Update.
12.14.21 - BOH
$23M 2022 Public Health budget provides 3% cost of living increase, revenue sources include federal (ARPA) and state (Consolidated Contract and “Vape” tax) funds; staff, unable to take time off, accumulating extra hours; Board reaching out to tribes in formation of new regional board (RCW); Covid rates down, at-home tests up; storm water system poses problems at Fairgrounds; Subdivision ordinances concerning septic systems reviewed amidst debate around appeals process vs. rewriting code to allow existing systems of a certain age to continue if not presenting a danger to public health.
12.20.21 AM - BOCC
Discussion of Redistricting Plan, Review of upcoming meetings and resolutions. Extension of Homeland Security Grant for Emergency Management. Review of various resolutions, and motions on those resolutions. Pete Palmer discussing need for clarifying language in some of the County’s code. Resolution 2021-12 approved; a procedural amendment to county code for approving subdivisions, plats, Planned Developments, other developments to reflect changes to title 2 that designate the Hearings Examiner. Fairground report including tree removal, Grandstand demolition, proposal of changes to the Commercial building, irrigation and electrical system in RV area.
Related Documents:
12.21.21 PM - BOCC
Mapping precincts for the Comp Plan; People to give opinions on plan at public meeting the 29th; Talk of hiring an enterprise resource planning (ERP) company; collective bargainingagreements; premium pay using ARPA funds to be awarded for one year to County employees(all?) deemed essential.
12.21.21 AM - BOCC
Facility assessments ongoing, map of new precincts, legislative districts in draft, also, comp plan timeline to be publicized, Methow Valley Irrigation District Franchise approved, Fuel bids decided, and Public Works update. Request from MV News for information regarding Judicial appointment.
12.27.21 PM - BOCC
BOCC conducts performance evaluations for five employees: Karen Beatty (Central Services), Dan Higbee (Building Department), Maurice Goodall (Emergency Management), Tanya Everett (Risk Management and Human Resources), Josh Thomson (Public Works) and Naomi Peasley (Fairgrounds Management). These evaluations are all done in executive sessions. There is another executive session with Dave Gecas (County attorney) to discuss potential litigation.
BOCC also discusses if they should send a letter to Gov. Inslee, recommending Judge Grim for the upcoming opening for a Superior Court judgeship.
Finally, the BOCC discusses what the county’s priorities should be for ARPA funds. Broadband tops the list.
12.28.21 PM - BOCC
Auditor’s office trying new accounting system ; District Court Judge turnover; jury trials to start next month, new staff for Noxious Weeds ; Planning Dept. « rushing through the Comp Plan », investigating cannabis grows ; Sheriff’s office frustrated with Legislative decisions, glad about community’s contributions to and success of « Shop with a Cop » program; WSU Extension short on 4H and Master Gardener volunteers because of Covid mandate but hired new coordinator, will soon present County needs survey results to public; AH brings up decision to commission a Master Plan; CB brings up Courthouse security at new « Justice Building » site; Commissioners discuss redistricting, reservation representation and salmon mitigation strategies ; Capital Improvements Plan hearing coming up.
12.28.21 AM - BOCC
Continued discussion of utilizing ARPA funds; Maintenance getting quotes for light of parking lot of FS building and Public Works/Public Health; some discussion of Douglas County Commissioners unwillingness to pay bill for utilizing the Ok Co Jail; discussion of whether to recommend Judge Grim for State Supreme Court appt; HR/ Risk Management update, Discussion with Economic Alliance re: possible projects for ARPA funds; broadband, water projects. Public Works update: Continues discussion of timelines for bonding.