Sub Area Groups
Okanogan County is in the process of forming Sub-Area Advisory Committees in the Methow Valley. The Advisory Committees will be charged with sub area planning, review and comment on projects within the sub area, update to sub area plans which are part of the Okanogan County Comprehensive Plan, and make recommendations to the Okanogan County Planning Commission on these and other issues in their respective sub area.
Other duties may include:
Aid the legislative body when formulating public policy and help transform policy decisions into action
Address issues of interest or conduct background work on technical or politically sensitive issues
Serve as a way to build public consensus on controversial issues before elected officials decide
Give the community a forum for discussion in greater depth than is possible before a legislative body
If you are interested in volunteering to participate on an advisory committee, please request an application by sending your resume and letter of interest to Pete Palmer, Director Okanogan County Planning and Development, 123 5th Ave North, Ste 130, Okanogan, WA 98840 or email it to spalmer@co.okanogan.wa.us
Sub-Area A has been active for many years – follow the link below to learn more about them. Sub-Areas B and C are in the process of being formed and the links will become active when they have their websites up and running.
The Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) is a terrific resource for learning about how local governments are organized, rules for conducting meetings, tools available to public officials for raising money, and a whole lot more.
We encourage everyone to check it out!