Wauconda-Chesaw-Aneas Valley
Advisory Group
*aka Okanogan Highlands - (Wauconda, Molson, Chesaw & Havillah)
Vision Statement
“The Okanogan Highlands contains vast expanses of real estate that has been changed only by minimal rural residential improvements. New residential or commercial development should be limited to, and conditioned upon the availability of roads, power, water and fire protection, and permitted only where the impacts of such development on the aesthetics of sight and sound, and on the need for regular wildfire fuel control are specifically addressed and satisfied.
Much of the area is rugged, arid, and at risk of wildfire, erosion and degradation of water supply and quality, and those characteristics should always be addressed in planning and should continue to define and limit new development. In the long term, protection of the non-irrigable land as the resource base for timber, grazing, wildlife, mining, recreation and tourism will maximize the aggregate economic usefulness of the area.”
Appendix A Draft 5/13/2009