These notes were taken by an Okanogan County Watch volunteer. Every attempt is made to be accurate. Notes are verbatim when possible, and otherwise summarized or paraphrased.
Note takers comments or clarifications are in italics. These notes are not the official county record of the meeting. For officially approved minutes, which are normally published at a later time, CLICK HERE.
The time stamps refer to the times on the AV Capture archive of the meeting on this date at the County livestream archive. To locate items in real time, the clock on the wall in the AV Capture screen can be helpful.
04.09.2024 BOH
Meeting Highlights:
Local resident renting property with pool asks for “two-pronged” regulating approach, single family dwellings should apply international pool/spa norms
Commissioner Hover has the minutes changed to reflect a nuance in vaccination stance.
Health Administrator requests board approval of promoting current employee to fill the Community Health Director position she vacated last year, discussion ensues over feasibility of that person continuing former duties as well.
Pool regulations brought up to conformity ; further discussion for later meeting
Health officer reports one pertussis case in county; in Texas avian flu jumped from birds to cows to humans
Food Action Plan nears completion, features ideas from diverse sectors: farm toschool program, gleaning farm produce, freezer cars on trains, local processingfacilities for ranchers and orchardists
Support services supervisor invited to talk about her job