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These notes were taken by an Okanogan County Watch volunteer. Every attempt is made to be accurate. Notes are verbatim when possible, and otherwise summarized or paraphrased.
Note takers comments or clarifications are in italics. These notes are not the official county record of the meeting. For officially approved minutes, which are normally published at a later time,  CLICK HERE.
The time stamps refer to the times on the AV Capture archive of the meeting on this date at the County livestream archive. To locate items in real time, the clock on the wall in the AV Capture screen can be helpful.
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05.17.22 AM - BOCC

Meeting Highlights: 

Building Dept permits are catching up, site analysis a little slower, but a 2-week turnaround rather than being 6 months behind, introduction of new teammember. Planning Director asks BOCC if they want to make any changes to the RFQ for zoning changes, discusses process – BOCC agrees on 3 weeks to advertise the RFQ before hearing, discussions about making amendments first, Planning Dept is following up with Building Dept – processed 52 site analysis' in the last month and trying to keep good track, also reported on progress with Veranda Beach permits. Emergency Services Manager reports on Wildfire Protection Plan meeting this evening in person at Commissioners Hearing Room. Northwest Management, along with other agencies and the public will be in attendance – ES Manager would like to record meeting for a good background of information, Prosecuting Attorney in attendance to request additional staff; Legal assistant II, BOCC approves/directs PA office to work with HR on establishing this position, Finance Committee Meeting with Treasurer and Auditor – Treasurer gives special kudos to her staff as, though a busy tax season, 61% of the taxes are now fully receipted. Discussion regarding how to utilize revenue, bonding payments, and investing for greater returns. Public Works presentation of purchasing and entering into contract with Samser (sp?) for fleet tracking, BOCC authorizes Public Works to go forward with this purchase/contract, Trails position will be from Public Works. reports from Solid Waste and Road Maintenance – Chip Seal work to begin in July – preparation is happening now.

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